Ever Thought You Might Need Another Mother?
When you select a ERP consulting company to manage your ERP implementation, they should essentially become the mother to your enterprise software.
Like mom, they are your allies. They represent you, stand by you, become the peacekeeper and support all your company’s idiosyncrasies. The management team supports your needs and helps with developing best practices.
Like mom, they are your teacher. The experience they have gained defines your education, guiding you along the path to a successful and smooth ERP implementation. They guide your decision making, train you to look to the future, and to make better decisions. They help you learn to read, write, document, and form decisions that support success.
Like mom, they are the go between. Conflict resolution between team members, between ERP software and processes, between conundrums and solutions, between nice to haves and absolute requirements, between spending your money wisely and over-spending, are the daily activities they provide throughout your project.
Like mom, your ERP project team is the “soccer mom”. They drive your ERP project forward; they pick your company up and deliver you to success. They attend your meetings, arrange for conferences, pat you on the back when you do well, and remind you to “pick it up” when your focus wanes. They monitor your homework and push you when you fall behind. They form the conduit between your users, steering committees and software developers.
And like mom, they are there when you need them. The management team is dedicated to you, dedicated to your project, intent on providing you with the tools that insure success.
Moms, don’t you love ‘em?
Blog entry written by Jeanne Hedman, an ERP Consultant at Panorama Consulting Group.