When Panorama redesigned its website late last year, we made a conscious effort to have our new website serve as a one stop source for education and news on the ERP industry. In the past week we have continued this quest by launching the first phase of our ERP database.
The new ERP database provides information on the enterprise software industry and lists over 140 software vendors with groupings for the various tier I, II, and III segments. Each ERP vendor has a detailed profile that includes a list of their product offering, an overview of their target market and industry experience, contact information, and recent news or press releases. In addition to the basic profile information, the vendor listings provide an opportunity for website visitors and ERP users to rate their existing software supplier based on a variety of criteria such as presales activity, technical support, functionality, and obtainment of ROI. We feel the vendor profiles and their respective scorecards are imperative for providing an unbiased and unaltered view of the ERP vendors direct from within their user community.
As we move forward into phase two of this launch, we are encouraging the ERP vendors to review their profiles and provide updates, as well as information on their social media communities, literature, white papers, and any images or supplemental content that will help provide the most informative profile possible.
What differentiates this information from other ERP vendor listings is that it is provided for free, without need to register, and without restrictions. While ERP selection and ERP implementation is at the center of our core service offering, website visitors should be informed and educated even if they chose not to engage with Panorama as their chosen independent consultant. This philosophy is aligned with Panorama’s mission statement and the original reason I founded the company years ago.
While the ERP database is quickly becoming one of the most content rich areas of our website, our ERP database is only a part of the upcoming changes. We have more enhancements planned for the 2010 calendar year. I applaud my team for performing due diligence in their research and I look forward to the next phase of functionality that is coming to the ERP vendor profiles.
All of us at Panorama hope the new ERP database helps you and your ERP selection teams become acquainted with the ERP market, as well gives you a baseline for understanding the various offerings and a baseline for choosing the best ERP vendor for your organization’s unique requirements. As always, if my team can be of assistance, I welcome you to contact us so that we can help you make your ERP project a success.
You can visit the ERP database at: http://panorama-consulting.com/resource-center/erp-database/